How to get from Alice Springs to Newcastle by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Alice Springs and Newcastle is 2026 kilometers (1256 miles).
Driving distance from Alice Springs to Newcastle is 2770 kilometers (1717 miles)
Route Map
Routes from alice-springs-northern-territory to newcastle-new-south-wales
4 Ways from Alice Springs (Australia/Northern Territory) to Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Parsons Street 84 m
2. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Parsons Street 171 m
3. Turn left onto Railway Terrace 3 m
4. Turn right onto Parsons Street 59 m
5. Turn left onto Telegraph Terrace, 87 2.96 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Alice Springs (Australia/Northern Territory) to Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales)?
How do I get from Alice Springs (Australia/Northern Territory) to Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Alice Springs (Australia/Northern Territory) to Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales)?
Trips from Alice Springs
Alice SpringsMilduraAlice SpringsPort AugustaAlice SpringsGold CoastAlice SpringsCanberraAlice SpringsSydneyAlice SpringsAdelaideAlice SpringsHobartAlice SpringsMelbourneAlice SpringsKalgoorlieTrips to Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales)
MorpethNewcastleTaylors BeachNewcastlePerthNewcastleToowoombaNewcastleSmiths LakeNewcastleAberdeenNewcastleForbesNewcastleWinghamNewcastleGundagaiNewcastleInformation about Stations
All station in Alice Springs (Australia/Northern Territory)
Alice Springs Airport Alice All station in Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales)
Newcastle Airport Newcastle