How to get from Belmont to Newcastle by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Belmont and Newcastle is 16 kilometers (10 miles).
Driving distance from Belmont to Newcastle is 19 kilometers (12 miles)
Route Map
Routes from belmont-new-south-wales to newcastle-new-south-wales
4 Ways from Belmont (Australia/New South Wales) to Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Maude Street 43 m
2. Turn left onto Henry Street 221 m
3. Turn right onto Marks Street 129 m
4. Turn left onto Pacific Highway, A43 5.76 km
5. Turn right onto Pacific Highway, A43 11.24 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Belmont (Australia/New South Wales) to Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales)?
How do I get from Belmont (Australia/New South Wales) to Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Belmont (Australia/New South Wales) to Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales)?
Trips from Belmont
BelmontPerthBelmontMelbourneBelmontGeelongBelmontCoffs HarbourBelmontBrisbaneBelmontCessnockTrips to Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales)
MacksvilleNewcastleKatoombaNewcastleForsterNewcastleChatswoodNewcastleLemon Tree PassageNewcastleMedowieNewcastleCowraNewcastleBallaratNewcastleKings Cross StationNewcastleInformation about Stations
All station in Belmont (Australia/New South Wales)
Newcastle Lake Macquarie Airport All station in Newcastle (Australia/New South Wales)
Newcastle Airport Newcastle