How to get from Kalgoorlie to Darwin by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Kalgoorlie and Darwin is 2249 kilometers (1394 miles).
Driving distance from Kalgoorlie to Darwin is 4127 kilometers (2559 miles)
Route Map
Routes from kalgoorlie-western-australia to darwin-northern-territory
4 Ways from Kalgoorlie (Australia/Western Australia) to Darwin (Australia/Northern Territory)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Hannan Street, 94 310 m
2. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Hannan Street, 94 326 m
3. Turn left onto Goldfields Highway 365.24 km
4. Turn left onto Mount Magnet Leinster Road 146.08 km
5. Keep left 85 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Kalgoorlie (Australia/Western Australia) to Darwin (Australia/Northern Territory)?
How do I get from Kalgoorlie (Australia/Western Australia) to Darwin (Australia/Northern Territory) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Kalgoorlie (Australia/Western Australia) to Darwin (Australia/Northern Territory)?
Trips from Kalgoorlie
KalgoorlieMelbourneKalgoorlieSydneyKalgoorlieAdelaideKalgoorlieBunburyKalgoorlieNewcastleKalgoorlieKarrathaKalgoorlieBrisbaneKalgoorlieBroomeKalgoorlieMandurahTrips to Darwin (Australia/Northern Territory)
Mount GambierDarwinWhyallaDarwinWangi FallsDarwinCairnsDarwinStuart ParkDarwinCape York PeninsulaDarwinHoward SpringsDarwinAlbanyDarwinCanberraDarwinOther interesting routes
Information about Stations
All station in Kalgoorlie (Australia/Western Australia)
Kalgoorlie Airport Kalgoorlie All station in Darwin (Australia/Northern Territory)
Darwin International Airport Darwin