How to get from Salzburg to Zurich by rideshare, car, walk, bike, truck

Distance between Salzburg and Zurich is 341 kilometers (211 miles).
Driving distance from Salzburg to Zurich is 456 kilometers (283 miles)

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Route Map

Routes from salzburg-salzburg to zurich-zurich

5 Ways from Salzburg (Austria/Salzburg) to Zurich (Switzerland/Zurich)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Mozartplatz 35 m
2. Turn right onto Rudolfskai 437 m
3. Turn left onto Rudolfsplatz, B150 217 m
4. Keep left onto Dr.-Franz-Rehrl-Platz 855 m
5. Turn slight right onto Schwarzstraße 1.24 km
6. Turn left onto Saint-Julien-Straße, B1 2.66 km
7. At roundabout, take exit 3 onto A1 123.24 km
8. Keep right 662 m
9. Keep left 17.92 km
10. Keep right onto Heckenstallerstraße 291 m
11. Keep right 119 m
12. Continue onto Luise-Kiesselbach-Platz 113 m
13. Keep right 1.11 km
14. Keep right 190.06 km
15. Keep right 317 m
16. Keep right onto Lustenauerstraße, L204 2.62 km
17. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Dornbirner Straße, L204 499 m
18. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Dornbirner Straße, L204 431 m
19. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Grindelstraße, L203 1.78 km
20. Turn sharp left onto Reichsstraße, L204 685 m
21. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto A13 103.28 km
22. Keep left onto A1L 4.59 km
23. Keep right onto A1L 1.93 km
24. Keep left onto A1L 37 m
25. Turn slight left onto Wasserwerkstrasse 358 m
26. Turn right onto Neumühlequai 519 m
27. Turn right onto Walchestrasse 85 m
28. Turn slight left onto Bahnhofquai 57 m
29. Continue onto Bahnhofquai 407 m
30. Turn right onto Uraniastrasse 49 m
31. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Salzburg (Austria/Salzburg) to Zurich (Switzerland/Zurich)?
How do I get from Salzburg (Austria/Salzburg) to Zurich (Switzerland/Zurich) the fastest?
How do I travel from Salzburg (Austria/Salzburg) to Zurich (Switzerland/Zurich) without a car?
How far is it from Salzburg (Austria/Salzburg) to Zurich (Switzerland/Zurich)?
How long does it take to get from Salzburg (Austria/Salzburg) to Zurich (Switzerland/Zurich)?

Information about Stations

All station in Salzburg (Austria/Salzburg)
W. A. Mozart Salzburg
All station in Zurich (Switzerland/Zurich)
Zurich Airport Zurich