How to get from Castelo to Vila Velha by rideshare, car, walk, truck, bike

Distance between Castelo and Vila Velha is 100 kilometers (62 miles).
Driving distance from Castelo to Vila Velha is 147 kilometers (91 miles)

CasteloVila Velha
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Route Map

Routes from castelo-espirito-santo to vila-velha-espirito-santo

5 Ways from Castelo (Brazil/Espirito Santo) to Vila Velha (Brazil/Espirito Santo)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. At roundabout, take exit 3 51 m
2. Turn left 452 m
3. Turn left onto Rua Soares 740 m
4. Turn right onto ES-166 33.45 km
5. Turn right 4.41 km
6. Turn sharp left onto Rodovia dos Produtores 1.55 km
7. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Rodovia dos Produtores 60 m
8. Turn slight right onto Rodovia Federal Deputado Aloízio Santos, BR-262 81.84 km
9. Keep left onto BR-262 8.85 km
10. Keep right onto BR-262 640 m
11. Keep right 117 m
12. Keep left 4.19 km
13. Keep right onto Avenida América 533 m
14. Turn right onto Rua Engenheiro José Sertã 244 m
15. Turn left onto Avenida Espírito Santo 627 m
16. Turn right onto Avenida Leopoldina 29 m
17. Turn left onto Rua Roberto Luís 359 m
18. Turn right onto Rua Francisco Severo Corteletti 191 m
19. Turn slight right onto Avenida Iracy Corteletti 153 m
20. Turn left onto Rua Thadeu Rauta 268 m
21. Turn left onto Avenida Pedro Gonçalves Laranja 283 m
22. Turn right onto Avenida Carlos Lindenberg 7.25 km
23. Turn left onto Rua Antônio Ataíde 911 m
24. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Castelo (Brazil/Espirito Santo) to Vila Velha (Brazil/Espirito Santo)?
How do I get from Castelo (Brazil/Espirito Santo) to Vila Velha (Brazil/Espirito Santo) the fastest?
How do I travel from Castelo (Brazil/Espirito Santo) to Vila Velha (Brazil/Espirito Santo) without a car?
How far is it from Castelo (Brazil/Espirito Santo) to Vila Velha (Brazil/Espirito Santo)?
How long does it take to get from Castelo (Brazil/Espirito Santo) to Vila Velha (Brazil/Espirito Santo)?