How to get from Joinville to Pelotas by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Joinville and Pelotas is 696 kilometers (432 miles).
Driving distance from Joinville to Pelotas is 863 kilometers (535 miles)
Route Map
Routes from joinville-santa-catarina to pelotas-rio-grande-do-sul
4 Ways from Joinville (Brazil/Santa Catarina) to Pelotas (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Rua Senador Felipe Schmidt 388 m
2. Turn right onto Rua Duque de Caxias 170 m
3. Turn left onto Rua Visconde de Taunay 1.56 km
4. Keep left 193 m
5. Keep right 31 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Joinville (Brazil/Santa Catarina) to Pelotas (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul)?
How do I get from Joinville (Brazil/Santa Catarina) to Pelotas (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Joinville (Brazil/Santa Catarina) to Pelotas (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul)?
Trips from Joinville
JoinvilleRiveraJoinvilleLondrinaJoinvilleBuenos AiresJoinvilleFazenda Rio GrandeJoinvillePorto AlegreJoinvilleBauruJoinvilleAsuncionJoinvilleRio GrandeJoinvilleApucaranaTrips to Pelotas (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul)
Rio de JaneiroPelotasBuenos AiresPelotasCuritibaPelotasPorto AlegrePelotasCachoeira do SulPelotasArroio GrandePelotasImbitubaPelotasBarroPelotasAeroporto Salgado Filho - Terminal 1PelotasOther interesting routes
ParanaRio Grande do SulSanta CatarinaSão PauloCerro LargoMontevideoTreinta y TresInformation about Stations
All station in Joinville (Brazil/Santa Catarina)
Joinville-Lauro Carneiro de Loyola All station in Pelotas (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul)
Federal Airport Pelotas