How to get from Navegantes to Lages by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Navegantes and Lages is 195 kilometers (121 miles).
Driving distance from Navegantes to Lages is 271 kilometers (168 miles)
Route Map
Routes from navegantes-santa-catarina to lages-santa-catarina
4 Ways from Navegantes (Brazil/Santa Catarina) to Lages (Brazil/Santa Catarina)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Rua Comandante Francisco Dias 104 m
2. Turn right onto Rua Pedro Veríssimo de Campos 256 m
3. Turn left onto Rua José Alcebíades Laurentino 328 m
4. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Rua Vereador Nereu Liberato Nunes 199 m
5. Turn left onto Rua Manoel Leopoldo Rocha 13.06 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Navegantes (Brazil/Santa Catarina) to Lages (Brazil/Santa Catarina)?
How do I get from Navegantes (Brazil/Santa Catarina) to Lages (Brazil/Santa Catarina) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Navegantes (Brazil/Santa Catarina) to Lages (Brazil/Santa Catarina)?
Trips from Navegantes
NavegantesNovo HamburgoNavegantesIndaiatubaNavegantesMesquitaNavegantesPorto AlegreNavegantesSorocabaNavegantesSantosNavegantesGovernador ValadaresNavegantesAtibaiaNavegantesCiudad del EsteTrips to Lages (Brazil/Santa Catarina)
NatalLagesCuritibanosLagesVacariaLagesBom RetiroLagesPalotinaLagesLondrinaLagesCorreia PintoLagesRio do SulLagesPalmasLagesInformation about Stations
All station in Navegantes (Brazil/Santa Catarina)
Navegantes Airport Navegantes All station in Lages (Brazil/Santa Catarina)
Correia Pinto Airport Lages