How to get from Pelotas to Curitiba by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Pelotas and Curitiba is 766 kilometers (475 miles).
Driving distance from Pelotas to Curitiba is 988 kilometers (613 miles)
Route Map
Routes from pelotas-rio-grande-do-sul to curitiba-parana
4 Ways from Pelotas (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul) to Curitiba (Brazil/Parana)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Praça Coronel Pedro Osorio 235 m
2. Continue onto Rua Felix da Cunha 915 m
3. Turn left onto Avenida Bento Gonçalves 702 m
4. Turn right onto Rua Santos Dumont 5.36 km
5. Keep right onto Avenida Fernando Osório 3.85 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Pelotas (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul) to Curitiba (Brazil/Parana)?
How do I get from Pelotas (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul) to Curitiba (Brazil/Parana) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Pelotas (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul) to Curitiba (Brazil/Parana)?
Trips from Pelotas
PelotasMendozaPelotasManausPelotasFortalezaPelotasSanta MariaPelotasRio GrandePelotasBuenos AiresPelotasBlumenauPelotasMontevideoPelotasResendeTrips to Curitiba (Brazil/Parana)
MoocaCuritibaSanta Tereza do OesteCuritibaApucaranaCuritibaCampina GrandeCuritibaMassarandubaCuritibaFortalezaCuritibaVacariaCuritibaSanta MariaCuritibaRio BrancoCuritibaOther interesting routes
Rio Grande do SulCerro LargoLavallejaMontevideoRiveraRochaTacuaremboTreinta y TresInformation about Stations
All station in Pelotas (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul)
Federal Airport Pelotas All station in Curitiba (Brazil/Parana)
Afonso Pena International AirportCuritiba Bacacheri Airport Curitiba