How to get from Teresina to Porto Alegre by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Teresina and Porto Alegre is 2911 kilometers (1805 miles).
Driving distance from Teresina to Porto Alegre is 3755 kilometers (2328 miles)
Route Map
Routes from teresina-piaui to porto-alegre-rio-grande-do-sul
4 Ways from Teresina (Brazil/Piaui) to Porto Alegre (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Avenida Frei Serafim 85 m
2. Make a U-turn onto Avenida Frei Serafim 495 m
3. Turn right onto Rua Coelho de Resende 923 m
4. Continue onto Rua Coelho de Resende 7.93 km
5. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto BR-316 13.20 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Teresina (Brazil/Piaui) to Porto Alegre (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul)?
How do I get from Teresina (Brazil/Piaui) to Porto Alegre (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Teresina (Brazil/Piaui) to Porto Alegre (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul)?
Trips from Teresina
TeresinaBarreirasTeresinaCaxiasTeresinaCaruaruTeresinaBacabalTeresinaCratoTeresinaCaucaiaTeresinaTimonTeresinaAnanindeuaTeresinaMontevideoTrips to Porto Alegre (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul)
AmambaiPorto AlegreBonitoPorto AlegrePresidente PrudentePorto AlegreSanta Maria, RSPorto AlegreErechimPorto AlegreAlta FlorestaPorto AlegreCarazinhoPorto AlegreEldoradoPorto AlegreRio LargoPorto AlegreOther interesting routes
CearaMaranhaoPiauiRio Grande do SulSanta CatarinaCerro LargoRiveraTreinta y TresInformation about Stations
All station in Teresina (Brazil/Piaui)
Teresina Airport Teresina All station in Porto Alegre (Brazil/Rio Grande do Sul)
Salgado Filho International Airport