How to get from Charlottetown to Oshawa by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Charlottetown and Oshawa is 1260 kilometers (781 miles).
Driving distance from Charlottetown to Oshawa is 1629 kilometers (1010 miles)
Route Map
Routes from charlottetown-prince-edward-island to oshawa-ontario
4 Ways from Charlottetown (Canada/Prince Edward Island) to Oshawa (Canada/Ontario)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Fitzroy Street 76 m
2. Turn right onto Rochford Street 114 m
3. Turn left onto Brighton Road 412 m
4. Turn right onto North River Road, 236 3.82 km
5. Turn left onto Capital Drive 903 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Charlottetown (Canada/Prince Edward Island) to Oshawa (Canada/Ontario)?
How do I get from Charlottetown (Canada/Prince Edward Island) to Oshawa (Canada/Ontario) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Charlottetown (Canada/Prince Edward Island) to Oshawa (Canada/Ontario)?
Trips from Charlottetown
CharlottetownRimouskiCharlottetownSaint JohnCharlottetownQuebecCharlottetownThoroldCharlottetownTorontoCharlottetownBathurstCharlottetownCalgaryCharlottetownNew YorkCharlottetownMontrealTrips to Oshawa (Canada/Ontario)
BoltonOshawaEglinton GO StationOshawaBrockvilleOshawaStouffvilleOshawaCowansvilleOshawaEdmontonOshawaPeterboroughOshawaUxbridgeOshawaYorkdaleOshawaOther interesting routes
MaineNew BrunswickNew YorkNova ScotiaOntarioPrince Edward IslandMaineNew BrunswickOntarioInformation about Stations
All station in Charlottetown (Canada/Prince Edward Island)
Charlottetown Airport Charlottetown All station in Oshawa (Canada/Ontario)
Oshawa Executive Airport Oshawa