How to get from Fredericton to North Bay by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Fredericton and North Bay is 987 kilometers (612 miles).
Driving distance from Fredericton to North Bay is 1360 kilometers (843 miles)

FrederictonNorth Bay
Leaving from
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Route Map

4 Ways from Fredericton (Canada/New Brunswick) to North Bay (Canada/Ontario)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue 543 m
2. Keep right onto Brunswick Street, 102 838 m
3. Turn left onto Rue Brookmount 101 m
4. Turn right onto Parkhurst Drive 578 m
5. Turn right onto Parkhurst Drive 38 m
6. Turn left onto Hanwell Road, 640 1.96 km
7. Keep right 228 m
8. Turn left 333.25 km
9. Continue onto Route 185, 185 13.22 km
10. Continue onto 85 220.99 km
11. Keep right 504 m
12. Keep left 1.32 km
13. Keep left 230.38 km
14. Keep left 14.36 km
15. Keep right onto Autoroute MĂ©tropolitaine, 40 44.24 km
16. Keep right 214.27 km
17. Continue onto Highway 17, 17 222.02 km
18. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto McConnell Street, 17 58.73 km
19. Keep right 1.49 km
20. Turn left onto Fisher Street 1.42 km
21. Turn right onto McIntyre Street East 324 m
22. Turn right onto Wyld Street 44 m
23. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Fredericton (Canada/New Brunswick) to North Bay (Canada/Ontario)?
How do I get from Fredericton (Canada/New Brunswick) to North Bay (Canada/Ontario) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Fredericton (Canada/New Brunswick) to North Bay (Canada/Ontario)?

Information about Stations

All station in Fredericton (Canada/New Brunswick)
Fredericton International Airport Fredericton
All station in North Bay (Canada/Ontario)
Jack Garland Airport North