How to get from Kingston to Quebec by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Kingston and Quebec is 501 kilometers (311 miles).
Driving distance from Kingston to Quebec is 543 kilometers (337 miles)
Route Map
Routes from kingston-ontario to quebec-quebec
4 Ways from Kingston (Canada/Ontario) to Quebec (Canada/Quebec)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto King Street East 177 m
2. Turn left onto Queen Street, 2 376 m
3. Turn right onto Montreal Street 5.06 km
4. Turn left 27.64 km
5. Keep left onto Highway 401, 401 72.11 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Kingston (Canada/Ontario) to Quebec (Canada/Quebec)?
How do I get from Kingston (Canada/Ontario) to Quebec (Canada/Quebec) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Kingston (Canada/Ontario) to Quebec (Canada/Quebec)?
Trips from Kingston
KingstonVictoriaKingstonBellevilleKingstonMarkhamKingstonWinnipegKingstonNiagara FallsKingstonSt. CatharinesKingstonMiramichiKingstonPeterboroughKingstonPittsburghTrips to Quebec (Canada/Quebec)
SalemQuebecJolietteQuebecTorontoQuebecCandiacQuebecMoose JawQuebecShawiniganQuebecWinnipegQuebecKentuckyQuebecRocklandQuebecInformation about Stations
All station in Kingston (Canada/Ontario)
Kingston/Norman Rogers Airport Kingston All station in Quebec (Canada/Quebec)
Quebec City Jean Lesage