How to get from Saint John to Bathurst by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Saint John and Bathurst is 263 kilometers (163 miles).
Driving distance from Saint John to Bathurst is 371 kilometers (230 miles)
Route Map
Routes from saint-john-new-brunswick to bathurst-new-brunswick
4 Ways from Saint John (Canada/New Brunswick) to Bathurst (Canada/New Brunswick)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Bayard Drive 16 m
2. Keep left onto Coburg Street 183 m
3. Turn right onto Garden Street 117 m
4. Turn slight left onto Somerset Street 202 m
5. Keep right 160.39 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Saint John (Canada/New Brunswick) to Bathurst (Canada/New Brunswick)?
How do I get from Saint John (Canada/New Brunswick) to Bathurst (Canada/New Brunswick) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Saint John (Canada/New Brunswick) to Bathurst (Canada/New Brunswick)?
Trips from Saint John
Saint JohnMiramichiSaint JohnCorner BrookSaint JohnHamiltonSaint JohnCharlottetownSaint JohnNiagara FallsSaint JohnSt. StephenSaint JohnTorontoSaint JohnSydneySaint JohnMonctonTrips to Bathurst (Canada/New Brunswick)
CharlottetownBathurstNew BrunswickBathurstRimouskiBathurstMontrealBathurstEdmonton City HallBathurstSydneyBathurstHalifaxBathurstKitchenerBathurstCarleton-sur-MerBathurstOther interesting routes
MaineNew BrunswickNova ScotiaPrince Edward IslandQuebecMaineNew HampshireNew BrunswickInformation about Stations
All station in Saint John (Canada/New Brunswick)
Saint John Airport Saint All station in Bathurst (Canada/New Brunswick)
Bathurst Airport Bathurst