How to get from Grande Prairie to Seattle by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Grande Prairie and Seattle is 876 kilometers (543 miles).
Driving distance from Grande Prairie to Seattle is 1302 kilometers (807 miles)
Route Map
Routes from grande-prairie-alberta to seattle-washington
4 Ways from Grande Prairie (Canada/Alberta) to Seattle (United States/Washington)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto 100 Street 1.64 km
2. Keep right 1.64 km
3. Turn left onto 108 Street, 40 5.23 km
4. Turn slight right onto Highway 40, 40 179.26 km
5. Turn slight right onto Bighorn Highway, 40 137.53 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Grande Prairie (Canada/Alberta) to Seattle (United States/Washington)?
How do I get from Grande Prairie (Canada/Alberta) to Seattle (United States/Washington) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Grande Prairie (Canada/Alberta) to Seattle (United States/Washington)?
Trips from Grande Prairie
Grande PrairieSurreyGrande PrairieKelownaGrande PrairiePentictonGrande PrairieYellowknifeGrande PrairieWetaskiwinGrande PrairieLacombeGrande PrairieWilliams LakeGrande PrairieChilliwackGrande PrairieCastlegarTrips to Seattle (United States/Washington)
MontereySeattleHuntsvilleSeattleOcean ShoresSeattleDaytonSeattleRichmondSeattleLewistonSeattleSurreySeattleJacksonvilleSeattleRenoSeattleInformation about Stations
All station in Grande Prairie (Canada/Alberta)
Grande Prairie Airport Grande All station in Seattle (United States/Washington)
Boeing Field International Airport