How to get from Coronel to Temuco by car, truck, bike, walk

Distance between Coronel and Temuco is 198 kilometers (123 miles).
Driving distance from Coronel to Temuco is 260 kilometers (161 miles)

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Route Map

4 Ways from Coronel (Chile/Biobio) to Temuco (Chile/Araucania)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Cruz Mora 72 m
2. Turn sharp left onto Carlos Prats González 1.61 km
3. Turn left onto Cochrane 44 m
4. Turn right onto Los Carrera 208 m
5. Turn left onto Balmaceda 226 m
6. Turn left onto Carvallo 106 m
7. Turn right onto Lautaro 960 m
8. Turn right onto Corcovado, O-852 152 m
9. Turn left onto Diego de Almagro 61 m
10. Continue onto Diego de Almagro 83 m
11. Turn right onto Darío Quezada 473 m
12. Turn right onto Los Maquis 76 m
13. Turn left onto Corcovado, O-852 6.60 km
14. Turn left onto Cruce Ruta 160 (Coronel) - Cruce Ruta 156 (Patagual Sur), O-852 10.60 km
15. Turn right onto Ruta de la Madera, 156 71.82 km
16. Keep right onto Estadio 41 m
17. Turn left onto Estadio 47 m
18. Turn slight right onto Avenida Julio Hemmelmann, 156 8.55 km
19. Keep right 13.78 km
20. Turn left onto Industria 23 m
21. Turn sharp right onto Industria 37 m
22. Turn slight left onto Avenida Lorenzo de la Maza, 180 7.87 km
23. Continue onto Ruta 180, 180 9.27 km
24. Keep left onto Huequén - Vado Buenos Aires 1.52 km
25. Turn left onto Ruta 182, 182 26.14 km
26. Turn right onto Freire, 182 61 m
27. Turn left onto Amunátegui 121 m
28. Turn right onto Alcázar 480 m
29. Turn left onto Argomedo, 182 119 m
30. Turn right onto O'Carrol, 182 295 m
31. Keep right 85.96 km
32. Keep right 12.11 km
33. Keep left 451 m
34. Turn right onto Manuel Rodríguez 177 m
35. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Coronel (Chile/Biobio) to Temuco (Chile/Araucania)?
How do I get from Coronel (Chile/Biobio) to Temuco (Chile/Araucania) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Coronel (Chile/Biobio) to Temuco (Chile/Araucania)?