How to get from Pereira to Belo Horizonte by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Pereira and Belo Horizonte is 4428 kilometers (2745 miles).
Driving distance from Pereira to Belo Horizonte is 7417 kilometers (4599 miles)
Route Map
Routes from pereira-risaralda to belo-horizonte-minas-gerais
4 Ways from Pereira (Colombia/Risaralda) to Belo Horizonte (Brazil/Minas Gerais)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Carrera 7 2.50 km
2. At roundabout, take exit 2 1.30 km
3. Keep right 124 m
4. Keep left 4.35 km
5. Keep right 153 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Pereira (Colombia/Risaralda) to Belo Horizonte (Brazil/Minas Gerais)?
How do I get from Pereira (Colombia/Risaralda) to Belo Horizonte (Brazil/Minas Gerais) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Pereira (Colombia/Risaralda) to Belo Horizonte (Brazil/Minas Gerais)?
Trips from Pereira
PereiraCaracasPereiraLimaPereiraRiohachaPereiraSogamosoPereiraBuenos AiresPereiraPiuraPereiraAraucaPereiraManizalesPereiraPitalitoTrips to Belo Horizonte (Brazil/Minas Gerais)
BeriloBelo HorizonteJuiz de ForaBelo HorizonteMinas NovasBelo HorizontePorto SeguroBelo HorizonteGuanambiBelo HorizonteRio VerdeBelo HorizontePedro LeopoldoBelo HorizonteTeixeirasBelo HorizonteRio-AcimaBelo HorizonteOther interesting routes
AntioquiaBogotaCaldasChocoCundinamarcaQuindioRisaraldaTolimaValle del CaucaInformation about Stations
All station in Pereira (Colombia/Risaralda)
Pereira Matecana International Airport All station in Belo Horizonte (Brazil/Minas Gerais)
Belo Horizonte Airport BeloTancredo Neves International Airport