How to get from Cuenca to Callao by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Cuenca and Callao is 1038 kilometers (644 miles).
Driving distance from Cuenca to Callao is 1430 kilometers (887 miles)
Route Map
Routes from cuenca-azuay to callao-callao
4 Ways from Cuenca (Ecuador/Azuay) to Callao (Peru/Callao)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Luis Cordero 45 m
2. Turn left onto Simón Bolívar 98 m
3. Turn left onto Benigno Malo 663 m
4. Turn right onto Avenida 12 de Abril 9 m
5. Turn left onto Avenida Fray Vicente Solano 356 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Cuenca (Ecuador/Azuay) to Callao (Peru/Callao)?
How do I get from Cuenca (Ecuador/Azuay) to Callao (Peru/Callao) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Cuenca (Ecuador/Azuay) to Callao (Peru/Callao)?
Trips from Cuenca
CuencaBuenos AiresCuencaRosarioCuencaAmbatoCuencaGuayaquilCuencaQuitoCuencaCaliCuencaRiobambaCuencaBoa VistaCuencaIcaTrips to Callao (Peru/Callao)
El QuincheCallaoEsmeraldasCallaoPorto AlegreCallaoAraucaCallaoCorrientesCallaoCartagenaCallaoMantaCallaoSantosCallaoTabatingaCallaoOther interesting routes
AzuayCanarLojaMorona-SantiagoProvincia del AzuayProvincia del CañarProvincia del GuayasInformation about Stations
All station in Cuenca (Ecuador/Azuay)
Cuenca Mariscal Lamar International All station in Callao (Peru/Callao)
Lima Jorge Chavez International