How to get from Port-Joinville to La Rochelle by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Port-Joinville and La Rochelle is 111 kilometers (69 miles).
Driving distance from Port-Joinville to La Rochelle is 177 kilometers (110 miles)
Route Map
Routes from port-joinville-pays-de-la-loire to la-rochelle-poitou-charentes
4 Ways from Port-Joinville (France/Pays de la Loire) to La Rochelle (France/Poitou-Charentes)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Impasse du Cordonnier 50 m
2. Turn right onto Rue de la Chapelle 94 m
3. Turn right onto Rue Georgette 39 m
4. Continue onto Rue de la Prison 27 m
5. Turn right onto Quai Carnot 280 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Port-Joinville (France/Pays de la Loire) to La Rochelle (France/Poitou-Charentes)?
How do I get from Port-Joinville (France/Pays de la Loire) to La Rochelle (France/Poitou-Charentes) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Port-Joinville (France/Pays de la Loire) to La Rochelle (France/Poitou-Charentes)?
Trips to La Rochelle (France/Poitou-Charentes)
Port-des-BarquesLa RochelleLouvignyLa RochelleQuimperLa RochelleGimel-les-CascadesLa RochelleLa Roche-sur-YonLa RochelleVersaillesLa RochelleVannesLa RochelleGuingampLa RochelleMassyLa RochelleInformation about Stations
All station in Port-Joinville (France/Pays de la Loire)
Ile d'Yeu Airport Port-Joinville All station in La Rochelle (France/Poitou-Charentes)
Laleu Airport La Rochelle