How to get from Cork to Belfast by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Cork and Belfast is 344 kilometers (213 miles).
Driving distance from Cork to Belfast is 419 kilometers (260 miles)
Route Map
Routes from cork-cork to belfast-belfast
4 Ways from Cork (Ireland/Cork) to Belfast (United Kingdom/Belfast)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Terence MacSwiney Quay, R610 39 m
2. Keep right onto Parnell Bridge, R848 171 m
3. Turn right onto Oliver Plunkett Street Lower 255 m
4. Turn left onto Custom House Street, N27 188 m
5. Turn right onto Ship Street, R854 120 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Cork (Ireland/Cork) to Belfast (United Kingdom/Belfast)?
How do I get from Cork (Ireland/Cork) to Belfast (United Kingdom/Belfast) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Cork (Ireland/Cork) to Belfast (United Kingdom/Belfast)?
Trips from Cork
CorkEdinburghCorkGalwayCorkFaroCorkStockholmCorkRabatCorkWaterfordCorkLimerickCorkWarsawCorkParisInformation about Stations
All station in Cork (Ireland/Cork)
Cork Airport Cork All station in Belfast (United Kingdom/Belfast)
Yorkgate Belfast StationBelfast Lanyon Place BelfastTitanic Quarter Belfast StationCity Hospital Belfast StationBelfast - Great VictoriaBalmoral Belfast StationAdelaide Belfast StationBotanic Belfast StationGeorge Best Belfast City