How to get from Lahad Datu to Cebu City by car, bike, walk, truck
Distance between Lahad Datu and Cebu City is 849 kilometers (526 miles).
Driving distance from Lahad Datu to Cebu City is 4895 kilometers (3035 miles)
Route Map
Routes from lahad-datu-sabah to cebu-city-cebu
4 Ways from Lahad Datu (Malaysia/Sabah) to Cebu City (Philippines/Cebu)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. At roundabout, take exit 3 145 m
2. Keep right 49 m
3. Turn right onto Jalan Pantai 915 m
4. Keep left 70.87 km
5. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto A5 30.26 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Lahad Datu (Malaysia/Sabah) to Cebu City (Philippines/Cebu)?
How do I get from Lahad Datu (Malaysia/Sabah) to Cebu City (Philippines/Cebu) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Lahad Datu (Malaysia/Sabah) to Cebu City (Philippines/Cebu)?
Trips to Cebu City (Philippines/Cebu)
BatayanCebu CityCaloocanCebu CityLagunaCebu CitySarawakCebu CityTobosoCebu CityBaybayCebu CitySocorroCebu CityCamiguinCebu CityTalisayCebu CityInformation about Stations
All station in Lahad Datu (Malaysia/Sabah)
Lahad Datu Airport Lahad All station in Cebu City (Philippines/Cebu)
Mactan-Cebu International Airport Cebu