How to get from Emiliano Zapata to Tapachula by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Emiliano Zapata and Tapachula is 745 kilometers (462 miles).
Driving distance from Emiliano Zapata to Tapachula is 997 kilometers (618 miles)

Emiliano ZapataTapachula
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Route Map

Routes from emiliano-zapata-veracruz to tapachula-chiapas

4 Ways from Emiliano Zapata (Mexico/Veracruz) to Tapachula (Mexico/Chiapas)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Calle 28 de Mayo 220 m
2. Turn right onto MEX 180 120.92 km
3. Keep right 21.16 km
4. Keep right 43.84 km
5. Keep right 250.75 km
6. Continue onto MEX 180D 11.11 km
7. Keep right onto Autopista Nuevo Teapa - Cosoleacaque, MEX 180D 7.66 km
8. Keep right onto MEX 180D 634 m
9. Turn slight right onto Autopista Coatzacoalcos - Tuxtla Gutiérrez, MEX 180D 195.89 km
10. Keep right onto Ocozocuatla - Arriaga, MEX 180D 103.31 km
11. Keep left onto MEX 200 239.92 km
12. Keep right 174 m
13. Keep right 687 m
14. Keep right onto 14a Avenida Norte 31 m
15. Turn slight right onto Calle Central Poniente 956 m
16. Turn right onto 5a. Privada Sur 58 m
17. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Emiliano Zapata (Mexico/Veracruz) to Tapachula (Mexico/Chiapas)?
How do I get from Emiliano Zapata (Mexico/Veracruz) to Tapachula (Mexico/Chiapas) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Emiliano Zapata (Mexico/Veracruz) to Tapachula (Mexico/Chiapas)?