How to get from Paseo de la Reforma, Garibaldi Lagunilla Subway Station, Mexico City to Heroic Military Academy by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Paseo de la Reforma, Garibaldi Lagunilla Subway Station, Mexico City and Heroic Military Academy is 21 kilometers (13 miles).
Driving distance from Paseo de la Reforma, Garibaldi Lagunilla Subway Station, Mexico City to Heroic Military Academy is 28 kilometers (17 miles)
Route Map
Routes from paseo-de-la-reforma-garibaldi-lagunilla-subway-station-mexico-city-distrito-federal to heroic-military-academy-distrito-federal
4 Ways from Paseo de la Reforma, Garibaldi Lagunilla Subway Station, Mexico City (Mexico/Distrito Federal) to Heroic Military Academy (Mexico/Distrito Federal)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Calle Primera de Moctezuma 32 m
2. Turn right onto Avenida Paseo de la Reforma Norte 188 m
3. Turn right onto Avenida Ignacio López Rayón, EJE 1 NTE 187 m
4. Turn right onto Calle Ignacio Allende 812 m
5. Turn left onto Calle Donceles 325 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Paseo de la Reforma, Garibaldi Lagunilla Subway Station, Mexico City (Mexico/Distrito Federal) to Heroic Military Academy (Mexico/Distrito Federal)?
How do I get from Paseo de la Reforma, Garibaldi Lagunilla Subway Station, Mexico City (Mexico/Distrito Federal) to Heroic Military Academy (Mexico/Distrito Federal) the fastest?
How do I travel from Paseo de la Reforma, Garibaldi Lagunilla Subway Station, Mexico City (Mexico/Distrito Federal) to Heroic Military Academy (Mexico/Distrito Federal) without a car?
How far is it from Paseo de la Reforma, Garibaldi Lagunilla Subway Station, Mexico City (Mexico/Distrito Federal) to Heroic Military Academy (Mexico/Distrito Federal)?
How long does it take to get from Paseo de la Reforma, Garibaldi Lagunilla Subway Station, Mexico City (Mexico/Distrito Federal) to Heroic Military Academy (Mexico/Distrito Federal)?