How to get from Auckland to Christchurch by car, truck, walk
Distance between Auckland and Christchurch is 764 kilometers (474 miles).
Driving distance from Auckland to Christchurch is 1075 kilometers (667 miles)
Route Map
Routes from auckland to christchurch
3 Ways from Auckland (New Zealand) to Christchurch (New Zealand)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Queen Street 12 m
2. Turn right onto Wakefield Street 13 m
3. Keep right onto Wakefield Street 363 m
4. Keep right onto Wakefield Street 123 m
5. Turn right onto Symonds Street 320 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Auckland (New Zealand) to Christchurch (New Zealand)?
How do I get from Auckland (New Zealand) to Christchurch (New Zealand) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Auckland (New Zealand) to Christchurch (New Zealand)?
Trips from Auckland
AucklandWhanganuiAucklandHamiltonAucklandNelsonAucklandDunedinAucklandTaurangaAucklandWellingtonAucklandRotoruaAucklandPalmerston NorthAucklandNew PlymouthTrips to Christchurch (New Zealand)
International Antarctic CentreChristchurchMount SundayChristchurchHamiltonChristchurchLytteltonChristchurchWellingtonChristchurchMount John ObservatoryChristchurchDunedinChristchurchArthur's Pass National ParkChristchurchOrariChristchurchOther interesting routes
Information about Stations
All station in Auckland (New Zealand)
Auckland Airport Auckland All station in Christchurch (New Zealand)
Christchurch International Airport Christchurch