How to get from LLerena to Granada by rideshare, car, walk, bike, truck

Distance between LLerena and Granada is 243 kilometers (151 miles).
Driving distance from LLerena to Granada is 373 kilometers (231 miles)

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Route Map

Routes from llerena-extremadura to granada-andalucia

5 Ways from LLerena (Spain/Extremadura) to Granada (Spain/Andalucia)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Calle Rodrigo Mateos 30 m
2. Turn right onto Calle Ramón y Cajal 209 m
3. Turn slight right onto Calle Alcantarilla 79 m
4. Turn left onto Paseo San Antón, EX-103 33.44 km
5. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto EX-103 159 m
6. At roundabout, take exit 2 83.21 km
7. Keep right 4.62 km
8. At roundabout, take exit 3 onto Avenida de las Juventudes Musicales 458 m
9. Turn right 17 m
10. Keep right onto Avenida Doctor Fedriani 148 m
11. Turn left onto Avenida de San Lázaro 518 m
12. Turn right onto Avenida de San Lázaro 29 m
13. Turn left onto Calle Doctor Leal Castaño 338 m
14. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Ronda de Pío XII 1.05 km
15. Turn right onto Avenida Alcalde Manuel de Valle 694 m
16. Turn slight left 31 m
17. Keep right 901 m
18. Keep right 358 m
19. At roundabout, take exit 4 onto Avenida de Andalucía 842 m
20. Turn right 12 m
21. Turn left 590 m
22. Turn right 16 m
23. Keep left 64 m
24. Turn right onto Avenida de Andalucía 229.87 km
25. Keep right 9.70 km
26. Keep right 202 m
27. Keep left onto Avenida de Andalucía (Cerrillo) 45 m
28. Keep left 365 m
29. Keep right onto Avenida de Andalucía (Cerrillo) 196 m
30. At roundabout, take exit 2 3.81 km
31. Keep right 294 m
32. At roundabout, take exit 7 onto Calle Neptuno 627 m
33. Continue onto Camino de Ronda 8 m
34. Turn slight left onto Calle Recogidas 670 m
35. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from LLerena (Spain/Extremadura) to Granada (Spain/Andalucia)?
How do I get from LLerena (Spain/Extremadura) to Granada (Spain/Andalucia) the fastest?
How do I travel from LLerena (Spain/Extremadura) to Granada (Spain/Andalucia) without a car?
How far is it from LLerena (Spain/Extremadura) to Granada (Spain/Andalucia)?
How long does it take to get from LLerena (Spain/Extremadura) to Granada (Spain/Andalucia)?