How to get from Östersund to Sundsvall by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Östersund and Sundsvall is 162 kilometers (100 miles).
Driving distance from Östersund to Sundsvall is 188 kilometers (117 miles)
Route Map
Routes from stersund-jamtland to sundsvall-vasternorrland
4 Ways from Östersund (Sweden/Jamtland) to Sundsvall (Sweden/Vasternorrland)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Storgatan 102 m
2. Turn right onto Färjemansgatan, Z 606 256 m
3. Turn right onto Rådhusgatan, Z 605 140 m
4. Turn left onto Samuel Permans gata 374 m
5. Turn right onto Litsvägen 159 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Östersund (Sweden/Jamtland) to Sundsvall (Sweden/Vasternorrland)?
How do I get from Östersund (Sweden/Jamtland) to Sundsvall (Sweden/Vasternorrland) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Östersund (Sweden/Jamtland) to Sundsvall (Sweden/Vasternorrland)?
Trips from Östersund
ÖstersundHelsingborgÖstersundStockholmÖstersundStockholmÖstersundHelsingborgÖstersundStockholmTrips to Sundsvall (Sweden/Vasternorrland)
Solna centrumSundsvallBredsandSundsvallHärnösandSundsvallVeerapurSundsvallUmeåSundsvallÅreSundsvallLingapur ChouthSundsvallHanoiSundsvallGothenburgSundsvallOther interesting routes
Nord-TrondelagSor-TrondelagJamtlandVasterbottenVasternorrlandJamtlandVarmlandInformation about Stations
All station in Östersund (Sweden/Jamtland)
Are Ostersund Airport Östersund All station in Sundsvall (Sweden/Vasternorrland)
Sundsvall-Timra Airport Sundsvall