How to get from Basel to Zwolle by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Basel and Zwolle is 561 kilometers (348 miles).
Driving distance from Basel to Zwolle is 704 kilometers (436 miles)

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Route Map

4 Ways from Basel (Switzerland/Alsace) to Zwolle (Netherlands/Overijssel)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Marktgasse 108 m
2. Turn left onto Schifflände 574 m
3. Turn right onto Johanniterbrücke 1.09 km
4. Turn left onto Riehenring 690 m
5. At roundabout, take exit 3 onto Riehenring, 18 241 m
6. Continue 2.24 km
7. Keep left onto A 5 188.28 km
8. Keep right onto A 5 204 m
9. Keep left onto A 5 327 m
10. Continue onto A 5 43.43 km
11. Keep right 319 m
12. Keep left onto A 5 350 m
13. Continue onto A 5 4.56 km
14. Keep right 241 m
15. Keep left 509 m
16. Keep left 14.32 km
17. Keep right 194 m
18. Keep left 379 m
19. Keep left onto A 5 36.50 km
20. Keep left 23.05 km
21. Keep left onto A 3 1.81 km
22. Keep left 73.49 km
23. Keep right 670 m
24. Keep left 312 m
25. Keep left 432 m
26. Keep left 160.74 km
27. Keep right 36 m
28. Keep left 652 m
29. Keep right onto A 3 487 m
30. Keep left 85.90 km
31. Keep right onto A12 362 m
32. Keep left onto A12 21.06 km
33. Keep right onto A50 325 m
34. Keep left onto A50 725 m
35. Continue onto A50 31.09 km
36. Keep right 2.74 km
37. Keep right onto A50 3.43 km
38. Keep right onto Rijksweg A28, A28 502 m
39. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto IJsselallee, RING, N337 454 m
40. Turn left onto Nieuwe Veerallee 758 m
41. Keep right onto Nieuwe Veerallee 392 m
42. Turn right onto Emmawijk 724 m
43. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Basel (Switzerland/Alsace) to Zwolle (Netherlands/Overijssel)?
How do I get from Basel (Switzerland/Alsace) to Zwolle (Netherlands/Overijssel) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Basel (Switzerland/Alsace) to Zwolle (Netherlands/Overijssel)?