How to get from Aviemore to Newcastle upon Tyne by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Aviemore and Newcastle upon Tyne is 283 kilometers (175 miles).
Driving distance from Aviemore to Newcastle upon Tyne is 376 kilometers (233 miles)
Route Map
Routes from aviemore-highland to newcastle-upon-tyne-newcastle-upon-tyne
4 Ways from Aviemore (United Kingdom/Highland) to Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom/Newcastle upon Tyne)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Grampian Road, B9152 225 m
2. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Grampian Road, B9152 1.13 km
3. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto B9152 1.86 km
4. Turn right onto B9152 151 m
5. Turn left onto A9 84.93 km
See more
Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Aviemore (United Kingdom/Highland) to Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom/Newcastle upon Tyne)?
How do I get from Aviemore (United Kingdom/Highland) to Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom/Newcastle upon Tyne) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Aviemore (United Kingdom/Highland) to Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom/Newcastle upon Tyne)?
Trips from Aviemore
AviemoreManchesterAviemoreInvernessAviemoreEdinburghAviemorePeterboroughAviemoreYorkAviemoreAberdeenAviemoreSheffieldAviemoreDundeeAviemoreLancasterTrips to Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom/Newcastle upon Tyne)
NottinghamNewcastle upon TyneLake DistrictNewcastle upon TyneLondon VictoriaNewcastle upon TyneThornabyNewcastle upon TyneLondonthorpeNewcastle upon TyneDublinNewcastle upon TyneBournemouthNewcastle upon TyneHarwichNewcastle upon TyneFellingNewcastle upon TyneOther interesting routes
Aberdeen CityAberdeenshireAngusClackmannanshireDundee CityFifeMorayPerth and KinrossStirlingInformation about Stations
All station in Aviemore (United Kingdom/Highland)
Ptarmigan Station Aviemore StationSheiling / Middle AviemoreAviemore Aviemore Station All station in Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom/Newcastle upon Tyne)
Monument Newcastle upon TyneNewcastle Newcastle upon TyneDunston Newcastle upon TyneFawdon Newcastle upon TyneWansbeck Road Newcastle uponGateshead Stadium Newcastle uponHaymarket Newcastle upon TyneCentral Station Newcastle uponRegent Centre Newcastle upon