How to get from Horsforth to Leeds by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Horsforth and Leeds is 8 kilometers (5 miles).
Driving distance from Horsforth to Leeds is 9 kilometers (6 miles)

Leaving from
Going to

Route Map

4 Ways from Horsforth (United Kingdom/Leeds) to Leeds (United Kingdom/Leeds)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Town Close 40 m
2. Turn right onto Town Street 395 m
3. Continue onto The Green 25 m
4. Turn left onto Church Road 292 m
5. Turn left onto Broadway, A6120 250 m
6. Turn right onto Featherbank Lane 398 m
7. Turn slight left onto New Road Side, A65 2.58 km
8. Turn slight left onto Abbey Road, A65 95 m
9. Turn left onto Back De Lacy Mount 109 m
10. Turn right onto Morris Lane 4.33 km
11. Turn left onto Oxford Place 118 m
12. Turn slight right onto Great George Street 365 m
13. Turn right onto Albion Street 293 m
14. Turn left 25 m
15. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Horsforth (United Kingdom/Leeds) to Leeds (United Kingdom/Leeds)?
How do I get from Horsforth (United Kingdom/Leeds) to Leeds (United Kingdom/Leeds) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Horsforth (United Kingdom/Leeds) to Leeds (United Kingdom/Leeds)?

Trips from Horsforth


Information about Stations

All station in Horsforth (United Kingdom/Leeds)
Bramley Horsforth StationKirkstall Forge Horsforth StationNew Pudsey Horsforth Station
All station in Leeds (United Kingdom/Leeds)
Burley Park Leeds StationCottingley Leeds StationHeadingley Leeds StationLeeds Leeds StationLeeds Bradford International Airport