How to get from Albany to Portsmouth by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Albany and Portsmouth is 3976 kilometers (2465 miles).
Driving distance from Albany to Portsmouth is 4862 kilometers (3014 miles)
Route Map
Routes from albany-oregon to portsmouth-virginia
4 Ways from Albany (United States/Oregon) to Portsmouth (United States/Virginia)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto 2nd Avenue Southwest 1.09 km
2. Keep right onto Main Street Southeast 68 m
3. At roundabout, take exit 4 onto Salem Avenue Southeast 2.14 km
4. Turn right onto Albany Avenue 133 m
5. Turn sharp left onto Pacific Boulevard Southeast, OR 99E 266 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Albany (United States/Oregon) to Portsmouth (United States/Virginia)?
How do I get from Albany (United States/Oregon) to Portsmouth (United States/Virginia) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Albany (United States/Oregon) to Portsmouth (United States/Virginia)?
Trips from Albany
AlbanyHollywoodAlbanyGilroyAlbanySilver SpringAlbanyLittle FallsAlbanyAmherstAlbanyOklahoma CityAlbanyMcKinneyAlbanyFlorenceAlbanyBristolTrips to Portsmouth (United States/Virginia)
BendPortsmouthBensonPortsmouthMcGregorPortsmouthDixonPortsmouthBoulderPortsmouthJacksonvillePortsmouthBuffaloPortsmouthHamptonPortsmouthSalisburyPortsmouthOther interesting routes
British ColumbiaWashingtonDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaMarylandNew JerseyOregonVirginiaWashingtonInformation about Stations
All station in Albany (United States/Oregon)
Albany Albany Station All station in Portsmouth (United States/Virginia)
Norfolk Portsmouth StationIngleside Road Portsmouth StationNSU Portsmouth StationYork Street/Freemason Portsmouth StationMonticello Portsmouth StationMacArthur Square Portsmouth StationCivic Plaza Portsmouth StationHarbor Park Portsmouth StationBallentine/Broad Creek Portsmouth Station