How to get from Baltimore to Yuma by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Baltimore and Yuma is 2962 kilometers (1836 miles).
Driving distance from Baltimore to Yuma is 3408 kilometers (2113 miles)
Route Map
Routes from baltimore-ohio to yuma-arizona
4 Ways from Baltimore (United States/Ohio) to Yuma (United States/Arizona)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto East Market Street, SR 256 14.76 km
2. Turn right onto Hill Road North, SR 256 6.39 km
3. Turn left 297.11 km
4. Keep right 1.62 km
5. Keep right 339 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Baltimore (United States/Ohio) to Yuma (United States/Arizona)?
How do I get from Baltimore (United States/Ohio) to Yuma (United States/Arizona) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Baltimore (United States/Ohio) to Yuma (United States/Arizona)?
Trips from Baltimore
BaltimoreNorfolkBaltimoreAmherstBaltimoreWashingtonBaltimoreLong BeachBaltimoreCorningBaltimoreAtlantic CityBaltimoreWinston-SalemBaltimoreBendBaltimoreAustinTrips to Yuma (United States/Arizona)
Santa RosaYumaEl CajonYumaWellsYumaSalinaYumaLexingtonYumaLimaYumaMexico CityYumaEl CentroYumaEnterpriseYumaOther interesting routes
MichiganNew YorkIndianaKentuckyMichiganNorth CarolinaOhioWest VirginiaOntarioInformation about Stations
All station in Baltimore (United States/Ohio)
Baltimore/Wash International Thurgood Marshall All station in Yuma (United States/Arizona)
Yuma Yuma Station