How to get from Davis to Bakersfield by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Davis and Bakersfield is 437 kilometers (271 miles).
Driving distance from Davis to Bakersfield is 476 kilometers (295 miles)
Route Map
Routes from davis-california to bakersfield-california
4 Ways from Davis (United States/California) to Bakersfield (United States/California)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto B Street 151 m
2. Turn left onto 3rd Street 292 m
3. Turn right onto E Street 294 m
4. Turn slight left onto Richards Boulevard 706 m
5. Turn left 14.74 km
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The best way to get from Davis, California to Bakersfield, California
To find the best way to get from Davis to Bakersfield, CA, I would recommend taking the train. The journey takes approximately 5-6 hours and there are several trains that travel from Davis to Bakersfield daily. Alternatively, a bus trip is also an option, with several buses leaving Davis and arriving at Bakersfield daily. However, the travel time may take longer than the train and depends on traffic conditions. A car trip would take around 3-4 hours, but can also be affected by traffic. A plane or subway is not recommended as there are no direct flights or subways available for this route. If needed, a taxi can be used for transportation to and from the train or bus station.
Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Davis (United States/California) to Bakersfield (United States/California)?
How do I get from Davis (United States/California) to Bakersfield (United States/California) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Davis (United States/California) to Bakersfield (United States/California)?
Trips from Davis
DavisLas VegasDavisOaklandDavisSacramentoDavisFresnoDavisSouth San FranciscoDavisSan JoseDavisPhoenixDavisSacramentoTrips to Bakersfield (United States/California)
Crescent CityBakersfieldBishopBakersfieldWebsterBakersfieldEl MonteBakersfieldWallBakersfieldPittsburghBakersfieldLongviewBakersfieldMcCallBakersfieldDearbornBakersfieldInformation about Stations
All station in Davis (United States/California)
Davis Davis Station All station in Bakersfield (United States/California)
Bakersfield Bakersfield Station