How to get from Eugene to San Antonio by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Eugene and San Antonio is 2712 kilometers (1681 miles).
Driving distance from Eugene to San Antonio is 3550 kilometers (2201 miles)
Route Map
Routes from eugene-oregon to san-antonio-texas
4 Ways from Eugene (United States/Oregon) to San Antonio (United States/Texas)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Olive Alley 2 m
2. Turn right onto West 8th Alley 61 m
3. Turn left onto Charnelton Street 186 m
4. Turn left onto West 10th Avenue 367 m
5. Turn left onto Oak Street 123 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Eugene (United States/Oregon) to San Antonio (United States/Texas)?
How do I get from Eugene (United States/Oregon) to San Antonio (United States/Texas) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Eugene (United States/Oregon) to San Antonio (United States/Texas)?
Trips from Eugene
EugeneTiftonEugeneOklahoma CityEugeneHelenaEugeneGastoniaEugenePalm SpringsEugeneGrand ForksEugeneWashingtonEugeneKnoxvilleEugeneGreeleyTrips to San Antonio (United States/Texas)
LodiSan AntonioHartfordSan AntonioUticaSan AntonioBenningtonSan AntonioMalvernSan AntonioAliceSan AntonioNewarkSan AntonioBradfordSan AntonioVictoriaSan AntonioOther interesting routes
British ColumbiaOregonTexasCoahuila de ZaragozaNuevo LeonCoahuila de ZaragozaNuevo LeonInformation about Stations
All station in Eugene (United States/Oregon)
Eugene-Springfield Eugene Station All station in San Antonio (United States/Texas)
San Antonio Zoo EagleSan Antonio San AntonioSan Antonio International Airport