How to get from Gary to Terre Haute by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Gary and Terre Haute is 238 kilometers (148 miles).
Driving distance from Gary to Terre Haute is 269 kilometers (167 miles)
Route Map
Routes from gary-indiana to terre-haute-indiana
4 Ways from Gary (United States/Indiana) to Terre Haute (United States/Indiana)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto East 5th Avenue, US 12, US 20 2.51 km
2. Keep right 75.64 km
3. Keep right 510 m
4. Turn right onto SR 114 6.17 km
5. Turn left onto County Road 500 E, SR 55 1.61 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Gary (United States/Indiana) to Terre Haute (United States/Indiana)?
How do I get from Gary (United States/Indiana) to Terre Haute (United States/Indiana) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Gary (United States/Indiana) to Terre Haute (United States/Indiana)?
Trips from Gary
GaryHollywoodGaryHannibalGaryEastonGaryManhattanGaryChicagoGaryPlanoGaryWatertownGaryOntarioGaryCarlsbadTrips to Terre Haute (United States/Indiana)
MarionTerre HauteSt. GeorgeTerre HauteBowling GreenTerre HauteCincinnatiTerre HauteDaleTerre HauteMeridianTerre HauteNew YorkTerre HauteRileyTerre HauteMobileTerre HauteInformation about Stations
All station in Gary (United States/Indiana)
Gary Metro Center Gary All station in Terre Haute (United States/Indiana)
Kauffman Station Terre Haute