How to get from Granby to Grand Forks by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Granby and Grand Forks is 1121 kilometers (695 miles).
Driving distance from Granby to Grand Forks is 1635 kilometers (1014 miles)
Route Map
Routes from granby-colorado to grand-forks-north-dakota
4 Ways from Granby (United States/Colorado) to Grand Forks (United States/North Dakota)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue 42 m
2. Turn right onto North 2nd Street 57 m
3. Turn left onto East Agate Avenue, US 40 72.89 km
4. Keep right onto US 40 59.73 km
5. Keep left onto I 76 20.20 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Granby (United States/Colorado) to Grand Forks (United States/North Dakota)?
How do I get from Granby (United States/Colorado) to Grand Forks (United States/North Dakota) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Granby (United States/Colorado) to Grand Forks (United States/North Dakota)?
Trips from Granby
GranbyOshkoshGranbyOntarioGranbyCheyenneGranbyLincolnGranbyBurlingtonGranbyDenverGranbyBoiseGranbyWashingtonGranbyOklahoma CityTrips to Grand Forks (United States/North Dakota)
AndersonGrand ForksOhioGrand ForksAshlandGrand ForksEdenGrand ForksFairmontGrand ForksHamptonGrand ForksBrainerdGrand ForksNewarkGrand ForksGreat FallsGrand ForksOther interesting routes
ManitobaMinnesotaNorth DakotaColoradoMinnesotaNorth DakotaSaskatchewanWyomingInformation about Stations
All station in Granby (United States/Colorado)
Granby Granby Station All station in Grand Forks (United States/North Dakota)
Grand Forks Grand Forks