How to get from Dallas to Guatemala City by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Dallas and Guatemala City is 2483 kilometers (1539 miles).
Driving distance from Dallas to Guatemala City is 4207 kilometers (2608 miles)

DallasGuatemala City
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Route Map

4 Ways from Dallas (United States/North Carolina) to Guatemala City (Guatemala/Guatemala)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto North Gaston Street 58 m
2. Turn left onto West Trade Street, NC 275, NC 279 1.18 km
3. Turn left 2.88 km
4. Turn slight right onto North Chester Street, US 321 496 m
5. Keep right 310.50 km
6. Keep left 52.95 km
7. Keep right onto I 85 89.43 km
8. Continue onto I 85 162.98 km
9. Keep left 6.37 km
10. Keep left onto I 65 268.37 km
11. Keep right 165.82 km
12. Keep right 137.47 km
13. Keep left 7.27 km
14. Continue onto I 10 427.27 km
15. Keep left 1.36 km
16. Keep left 6.86 km
17. Keep left 322 m
18. Continue onto US 59 (Southwest Freeway) HOV/HOT lane 104.27 km
19. Keep left onto US 59 45.29 km
20. Continue onto US 59 33.75 km
21. Keep left onto US 59 20.13 km
22. Keep left onto East Frontage Road, Spur 91 55.18 km
23. Continue onto US 77 36.27 km
24. Keep left onto United States Highway 77, I 69E, US 77 23.75 km
25. Continue onto US 77 4.58 km
26. Keep right onto I 69E, US 77 77.03 km
27. Keep left 39.55 km
28. Keep left onto I-69E, I 69E, US 77 121.16 km
29. Keep right 630 m
30. Turn right onto East 12th Street 1.27 km
31. Turn left onto East Elizabeth Street, US 77-Z Business 242 m
32. Turn sharp right onto International Boulevard 1.70 km
33. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Avenida General Álvaro Obregón 172 m
34. Turn left 193.28 km
35. Keep left 142 m
36. Turn left onto Carretera Estación Manuel-La Coma, MEX 180 77.09 km
37. Continue onto Carretera Costera del Golfo, MEX 180 120.23 km
38. Keep left 545 m
39. Turn right onto Calle 7 13.65 km
40. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto TAM 113 10.36 km
41. Turn right onto Carretera Las Flores-Altamira, TAM 113 68.71 km
42. Keep right onto Boulevard Altamira, MEX 180 3.66 km
43. Turn right onto Boulevard Adolfo López Mateos, MEX 180 4.81 km
44. Turn left 14 m
45. Turn slight left onto MEX 180 62.57 km
46. Keep right onto Autopista Tuxpan - Tampico 47.76 km
47. Keep left 74.05 km
48. Keep right 1.10 km
49. Continue onto Autopista Cardel-Poza Rica tramo Laguna Verde-Gutiérrez Zamora, MEX 180D 36.55 km
50. Keep right onto MEX 180D 454 m
51. Continue onto MEX 180D 73 m
52. Turn left onto Carretera Papantla - Gutierez Zamora, Carretera Poza Rica - Veracruz, MEX 180 17.79 km
53. Keep right onto Murillo Vidal, MEX 180 181.79 km
54. Keep right 21.16 km
55. Keep right 43.84 km
56. Keep right 250.75 km
57. Continue onto MEX 180D 11.11 km
58. Keep right onto Autopista Nuevo Teapa - Cosoleacaque, MEX 180D 7.66 km
59. Keep right onto MEX 180D 634 m
60. Turn slight right onto Autopista Coatzacoalcos - Tuxtla Gutiérrez, MEX 180D 195.89 km
61. Keep left onto MEX 180D 14.10 km
62. Turn left onto Libramiento Norte Poniente 15.05 km
63. Keep right 55.15 km
64. Turn right onto Calzada de las Américas, MEX 190 103.54 km
65. Turn slight right onto MEX 190 153.58 km
66. Keep left onto RD HUE-33 74 m
67. Continue onto RD HUE-33, RD HUE-33 8.74 km
68. Turn right onto RD HUE-15, RD HUE-15 37.02 km
69. Continue onto RD HUE-15, RD HUE-15 77 m
70. Continue onto RD HUE-15 16.41 km
71. Turn right 420 m
72. Turn right onto RD HUE-15 6.54 km
73. Turn right 69 m
74. Turn left onto Ruta 15 664 m
75. Turn left 378 m
76. Turn right onto 4a Avenida 84 m
77. Turn left 376 m
78. Turn right onto Ruta 2 37.66 km
79. Keep left onto RD GUA-18 39.83 km
80. Turn right onto RD GUA-18 33.78 km
81. Turn left 2.93 km
82. Turn sharp right onto Carretera a San Raymundo 2.16 km
83. Turn left onto Carretera a San Raymundo 4.61 km
84. Turn left 351 m
85. Keep right 2.65 km
86. Turn left 887 m
87. Turn left 65 m
88. Turn left 57 m
89. Keep right 264 m
90. Turn left 340 m
91. Turn left onto Carretera a San Juan Sacatepéquez, RN-5 501 m
92. Turn right 217 m
93. Turn right onto Carretera a San Juan Sacatepéquez, RN-5 12.31 km
94. Keep left 273 m
95. Keep left 1.18 km
96. Turn left onto 5a Avenida 79 m
97. Keep right 106 m
98. Turn left onto 4a Avenida 754 m
99. Turn right onto 25 Calle 739 m
100. Turn left onto 2a Avenida 93 m
101. Turn right onto 24 Calle 209 m
102. Keep right onto Diagonal 3 194 m
103. Keep left onto Calzada Atanasio Tzul ( Diagonal 3 ) 263 m
104. Turn left onto Via 1 83 m
105. Keep left 12 m
106. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Dallas (United States/North Carolina) to Guatemala City (Guatemala/Guatemala)?
How do I get from Dallas (United States/North Carolina) to Guatemala City (Guatemala/Guatemala) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Dallas (United States/North Carolina) to Guatemala City (Guatemala/Guatemala)?