How to get from Indianapolis to Terre Haute by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Indianapolis and Terre Haute is 113 kilometers (70 miles).
Driving distance from Indianapolis to Terre Haute is 123 kilometers (76 miles)
Route Map
Routes from indianapolis-indiana to terre-haute-indiana
4 Ways from Indianapolis (United States/Indiana) to Terre Haute (United States/Indiana)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto North Meridian Street 932 m
2. Turn sharp right onto West Henry Street 48 m
3. Turn left onto South Meridian Street 385 m
4. Turn left onto Russell Avenue 39 m
5. Turn right onto West McCarty Street 247 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Indianapolis (United States/Indiana) to Terre Haute (United States/Indiana)?
How do I get from Indianapolis (United States/Indiana) to Terre Haute (United States/Indiana) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Indianapolis (United States/Indiana) to Terre Haute (United States/Indiana)?
Trips from Indianapolis
IndianapolisGreen BayIndianapolisElizabethIndianapolisNew CastleIndianapolisOshkoshIndianapolisBooneIndianapolisTopekaIndianapolisBostonIndianapolisAugustaIndianapolisGreenfieldTrips to Terre Haute (United States/Indiana)
LeeTerre HauteWashingtonTerre HauteChicagoTerre HauteCantonTerre HauteLittle RockTerre HauteFargoTerre HauteHollisterTerre HauteMontgomeryTerre HauteColumbiaTerre HauteInformation about Stations
All station in Indianapolis (United States/Indiana)
Indianapolis Union Station IndianapolisMethodist Indianapolis StationCanal Indianapolis StationIndiana University/Riley Indianapolis Station All station in Terre Haute (United States/Indiana)
Kauffman Station Terre Haute