How to get from Long Beach to Klamath Falls by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Long Beach and Klamath Falls is 991 kilometers (614 miles).
Driving distance from Long Beach to Klamath Falls is 1136 kilometers (704 miles)

Long BeachKlamath Falls
Leaving from
Going to

Route Map

4 Ways from Long Beach (United States/California) to Klamath Falls (United States/Oregon)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue 167 m
2. Turn left onto East 3rd Street 6.95 km
3. Keep right 213 m
4. Keep left 261 m
5. Keep right 410 m
6. Keep left 456 m
7. Keep left 68.74 km
8. Keep right onto Golden State Freeway, I 5 Truck 2.56 km
9. Continue onto Golden State Freeway, I 5 Truck 94.03 km
10. Keep right onto West Side Freeway, I 5 491.11 km
11. Keep left onto West Side Highway, I 5 356.60 km
12. Keep right onto I 5 Business 468 m
13. Turn right onto South Weed Boulevard, I 5 Business, US 97 113.00 km
14. Keep right onto US 97 Business 489 m
15. Keep right onto US 97 Business 99 m
16. Turn slight right onto Main Street, US 97B, OR 39B 147 m
17. Turn left onto Klamath Avenue, US 97 Business, OR 39 Business 577 m
18. Continue onto Klamath Avenue, US 97 Business 97 m
19. Turn left onto South 7th Street 43 m
20. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Long Beach (United States/California) to Klamath Falls (United States/Oregon)?
How do I get from Long Beach (United States/California) to Klamath Falls (United States/Oregon) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Long Beach (United States/California) to Klamath Falls (United States/Oregon)?

Information about Stations

All station in Long Beach (United States/California)
1st Street Long BeachDowntown Long Beach Long5th Street Long BeachPacific Avenue Long BeachPacific Coast Highway LongAnaheim Street Long BeachWillow Street Long Beach
All station in Klamath Falls (United States/Oregon)
Klamath Falls Klamath Falls