How to get from Lynwood to Los Angeles by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Lynwood and Los Angeles is 15 kilometers (9 miles).
Driving distance from Lynwood to Los Angeles is 16 kilometers (10 miles)
Route Map
Routes from lynwood-california to los-angeles-california
4 Ways from Lynwood (United States/California) to Los Angeles (United States/California)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Platt Avenue 326 m
2. Turn left onto Birch Street 38 m
3. Turn right onto Platt Avenue 284 m
4. Turn right onto California Avenue 158 m
5. Turn left onto Mulford Avenue 133 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Lynwood (United States/California) to Los Angeles (United States/California)?
How do I get from Lynwood (United States/California) to Los Angeles (United States/California) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Lynwood (United States/California) to Los Angeles (United States/California)?
Trips from Lynwood
LynwoodChicagoTrips to Los Angeles (United States/California)
HollywoodLos AngelesAlabamaLos AngelesPalm SpringsLos AngelesFremontLos AngelesStocktonLos AngelesWilmingtonLos AngelesJacksonvilleLos AngelesHemetLos AngelesLongviewLos AngelesInformation about Stations
All station in Lynwood (United States/California)
Compton Lynwood Station103rd Street/Watts Towers LynwoodWillowbrook/Rosa Parks Lynwood StationLong Beach Boulevard Lynwood All station in Los Angeles (United States/California)
Van Nuys Airport Los