How to get from Long Beach to Rosarito by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Long Beach and Rosarito is 2857 kilometers (1771 miles).
Driving distance from Long Beach to Rosarito is 3461 kilometers (2146 miles)

Long BeachRosarito
Leaving from
Going to

Route Map

4 Ways from Long Beach (United States/Indiana) to Rosarito (Mexico/Baja California)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Claremont Avenue 187 m
2. Turn left onto Oriole Trail 150 m
3. Keep left onto Edgemore Avenue 416 m
4. Turn left onto Lake Shore Drive 5.41 km
5. Turn left onto West 11th Street 130 m
6. Turn right onto Franklin Street 1.92 km
7. Keep right onto Franklin Street 3.48 km
8. Keep right 53.70 km
9. Keep right 318 m
10. Keep left 361 m
11. Keep left 13.45 km
12. Keep right onto I 80 476 m
13. Continue onto I 80 516.83 km
14. Keep left onto I 80 26.94 km
15. Keep right onto I 80 153.31 km
16. Keep left onto I 80 38.04 km
17. Keep left onto I 80 Express 98.82 km
18. Keep left onto I 80 472.02 km
19. Keep right onto I 76 286.02 km
20. Keep left onto I 76 822.35 km
21. Keep left 391.84 km
22. Keep left 78.83 km
23. Continue onto Mojave Freeway, I 15 262.42 km
24. Keep right onto I 15 Truck 271 m
25. Keep left onto Barstow Freeway, I 215 32.58 km
26. Keep right onto I 215 8.15 km
27. Keep right onto I 215 Truck, CA 60 Truck 903 m
28. Keep right onto I 215 Truck 93.94 km
29. Keep right onto I 15 Business 35.31 km
30. Continue onto Escondido Freeway, I 15 14.42 km
31. Keep right 24.94 km
32. Keep right onto I 5 54 m
33. Keep left onto I 5 2.71 km
34. Keep right 184 m
35. Keep right 280 m
36. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Boulevard Cuauhtémoc Sur Oriente, MEX 1 19.13 km
37. Keep right 325 m
38. Keep left 736 m
39. Keep right 83 m
40. Keep left 208 m
41. Turn left onto Calle Artículo 27 Constitucional 215 m
42. Turn sharp right 93 m
43. Turn slight right 43 m
44. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Long Beach (United States/Indiana) to Rosarito (Mexico/Baja California)?
How do I get from Long Beach (United States/Indiana) to Rosarito (Mexico/Baja California) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Long Beach (United States/Indiana) to Rosarito (Mexico/Baja California)?