How to get from Oakland to Abilene by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Oakland and Abilene is 2127 kilometers (1319 miles).
Driving distance from Oakland to Abilene is 2609 kilometers (1618 miles)
Route Map
Routes from oakland-california to abilene-texas
4 Ways from Oakland (United States/California) to Abilene (United States/Texas)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto 14th Street 20 m
2. Turn right onto Broadway 768 m
3. Turn left onto 5th Street 9 m
4. Continue onto 5th Street 22 m
5. Keep left 243 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Oakland (United States/California) to Abilene (United States/Texas)?
How do I get from Oakland (United States/California) to Abilene (United States/Texas) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Oakland (United States/California) to Abilene (United States/Texas)?
Trips from Oakland
OaklandBurlingtonOaklandBristolOaklandOntarioOaklandGreenvilleOaklandSan JoseOaklandOgdenOaklandGreensboroOaklandPascoOaklandRosevilleTrips to Abilene (United States/Texas)
JacksonAbileneBooneAbileneUvaldeAbileneHollywoodAbileneLake CityAbileneSeminoleAbileneJunction CityAbileneGonzalesAbileneNorth EastAbileneOther interesting routes
CaliforniaNevadaNew MexicoOklahomaTexasCoahuila de ZaragozaCoahuila de ZaragozaInformation about Stations
All station in Oakland (United States/California)
Rockridge Oakland Station2nd & King OaklandBrannan Oakland StationFolsom Oakland StationCivic Center Oakland StationEmbarcadero Oakland StationLake Merritt Oakland StationOakland City Center -Powell Street Oakland Station All station in Abilene (United States/Texas)
Abilene and Northern Railway