How to get from Orange to North Bend by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Orange and North Bend is 1204 kilometers (746 miles).
Driving distance from Orange to North Bend is 1429 kilometers (886 miles)

OrangeNorth Bend
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Route Map

4 Ways from Orange (United States/California) to North Bend (United States/Oregon)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto South Center Street 67 m
2. Turn left onto East Chapman Avenue 272 m
3. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto West Chapman Avenue 404 m
4. Turn right onto West Chapman Avenue 2.78 km
5. Keep right 40.57 km
6. Keep right onto Golden State Freeway, I 5 3.78 km
7. Keep left onto Golden State Freeway, I 5 37.21 km
8. Continue onto Golden State Freeway, I 5 3.60 km
9. Keep right onto Golden State Freeway, I 5 Truck 2.56 km
10. Continue onto Golden State Freeway, I 5 Truck 94.03 km
11. Keep right onto West Side Freeway, I 5 491.11 km
12. Keep left onto West Side Highway, I 5 619.37 km
13. Keep right 277 m
14. Turn left onto Clarks Branch Road, CR 105 172 m
15. Turn right onto Northeast Dole Road, CR 14 1.18 km
16. Turn right onto Dillard Highway, OR 99 6.26 km
17. Turn left onto Brockway Road 2.38 km
18. Turn sharp left onto Coos Bay-Roseburg Highway, OR 42 123.23 km
19. Turn left onto Virginia Avenue, OR 540 103 m
20. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Orange (United States/California) to North Bend (United States/Oregon)?
How do I get from Orange (United States/California) to North Bend (United States/Oregon) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Orange (United States/California) to North Bend (United States/Oregon)?