How to get from Portage to Amsterdam by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Portage and Amsterdam is 1079 kilometers (669 miles).
Driving distance from Portage to Amsterdam is 1202 kilometers (745 miles)
Route Map
Routes from portage-indiana to amsterdam-new-york
4 Ways from Portage (United States/Indiana) to Amsterdam (United States/New York)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Central Avenue 566 m
2. Turn right onto Willowcreek Road 309 m
3. Turn sharp left onto Willowcreek Road 79 m
4. Turn right onto Evergreen Avenue 194 m
5. Keep right 92 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Portage (United States/Indiana) to Amsterdam (United States/New York)?
How do I get from Portage (United States/Indiana) to Amsterdam (United States/New York) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Portage (United States/Indiana) to Amsterdam (United States/New York)?
Trips from Portage
PortageWashingtonPortageBoisePortageBurlingtonPortageGrand ForksPortageAustinPortageOshkoshPortageRockfordPortageEriePortageIndianapolisTrips to Amsterdam (United States/New York)
UkiahAmsterdamRacineAmsterdamPlymouthAmsterdamSoledadAmsterdamOshkoshAmsterdamLodiAmsterdamPlanoAmsterdamBoiseAmsterdamStanleyAmsterdamInformation about Stations
All station in Portage (United States/Indiana)
Portage/Ogden Dunes Portage Station All station in Amsterdam (United States/New York)
Amsterdam Amsterdam Station