How to get from Roanoke to Flint by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Roanoke and Flint is 1623 kilometers (1006 miles).
Driving distance from Roanoke to Flint is 1903 kilometers (1180 miles)
Route Map
Routes from roanoke-texas to flint-michigan
4 Ways from Roanoke (United States/Texas) to Flint (United States/Michigan)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Byron Nelson Boulevard, TX 114-K Business 940 m
2. Keep left 19.07 km
3. Keep left onto TX 121 47.95 km
4. Keep right 218 m
5. Keep left 1.67 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Roanoke (United States/Texas) to Flint (United States/Michigan)?
How do I get from Roanoke (United States/Texas) to Flint (United States/Michigan) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Roanoke (United States/Texas) to Flint (United States/Michigan)?
Trips from Roanoke
RoanokeNorfolkRoanokeChicagoRoanokeEvansvilleRoanokeCharlestonRoanokePortlandRoanokeCodyRoanokeBaltimoreRoanokeFargoRoanokeWashingtonTrips to Flint (United States/Michigan)
Little RockFlintComfortFlintDaleFlintPhiladelphiaFlintOrleansFlintRooseveltFlintNorthamptonFlintHollisterFlintSeminoleFlintInformation about Stations
All station in Roanoke (United States/Texas)
Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport Roanoke All station in Flint (United States/Michigan)
Flint Flint Station