How to get from Salem to Provo by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Salem and Provo is 1067 kilometers (662 miles).
Driving distance from Salem to Provo is 1374 kilometers (852 miles)
Route Map
Routes from salem-oregon to provo-utah
4 Ways from Salem (United States/Oregon) to Provo (United States/Utah)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Cottage Street Northeast 130 m
2. Turn right 138 m
3. Turn right onto Church Street Southeast 1.11 km
4. Turn left onto D Street Northeast 345 m
5. Turn left onto Market Street Northeast 106 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Salem (United States/Oregon) to Provo (United States/Utah)?
How do I get from Salem (United States/Oregon) to Provo (United States/Utah) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Salem (United States/Oregon) to Provo (United States/Utah)?
Trips from Salem
SalemPoughkeepsieSalemNewarkSalemKalispellSalemSchenectadySalemMeridianSalemSan AntonioSalemBismarckSalemEvanstonSalemOrangeTrips to Provo (United States/Utah)
LoganProvoBrandonProvoTroyProvoWalkerProvoSnowbirdProvoMonumentProvoYumaProvoWoodbridgeProvoClintonProvoInformation about Stations
All station in Salem (United States/Oregon)
Salem Amtrak Station Salem All station in Provo (United States/Utah)
Provo Provo StationProvo Central Provo Station