How to get from Salinas to Des Moines by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Salinas and Des Moines is 1194 kilometers (740 miles).
Driving distance from Salinas to Des Moines is 1414 kilometers (877 miles)

SalinasDes Moines
Leaving from
Going to

Route Map

4 Ways from Salinas (United States/California) to Des Moines (United States/Washington)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto South Main Street 138 m
2. Turn right onto East Gabilan Street 108 m
3. Turn left onto Monterey Street 377 m
4. Turn slight right onto North Main Street 942 m
5. Keep left 31.26 km
6. Keep right 44.64 km
7. Continue onto US 101 12.94 km
8. Keep right 908 m
9. Keep right 90.41 km
10. Keep right onto Senator Daniel E Boatwright Highway, I 680 3.03 km
11. Keep right onto Benicia-Martinez Bridge, I 680 23.33 km
12. Keep left onto I 80 21.06 km
13. Keep right onto I 505 928.89 km
14. Keep right onto I 5 10.87 km
15. Keep right 217.93 km
16. Keep right 10.04 km
17. Continue onto I 5 14.45 km
18. Keep right 623 m
19. Turn left onto South Kent Des Moines Road, WA 516 634 m
20. Keep left onto South Kent Des Moines Road, WA 509 500 m
21. Turn right onto 24th Avenue South 259 m
22. Turn left onto South 227th Place 77 m
23. Turn left onto 23rd Place South 48 m
24. Turn right onto South 229th Street 363 m
25. Turn right onto South 229th Street 238 m
26. Turn right onto 18th Avenue South 241 m
27. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Salinas (United States/California) to Des Moines (United States/Washington)?
How do I get from Salinas (United States/California) to Des Moines (United States/Washington) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Salinas (United States/California) to Des Moines (United States/Washington)?

Information about Stations

All station in Salinas (United States/California)
Salinas Salinas Station
All station in Des Moines (United States/Washington)
B Station Des MoinesS Station Des MoinesA Station Des MoinesAngle Lake Des Moines