How to get from Summit to Schenectady by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Summit and Schenectady is 1145 kilometers (710 miles).
Driving distance from Summit to Schenectady is 1291 kilometers (800 miles)
Route Map
Routes from summit-illinois to schenectady-new-york
4 Ways from Summit (United States/Illinois) to Schenectady (United States/New York)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto South Archer Avenue, IL 171 312 m
2. Keep left 2.37 km
3. Keep right onto West 55th Street 8.11 km
4. Turn slight right onto West Garfield Boulevard 4.35 km
5. Turn right onto South Wells Street 51 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Summit (United States/Illinois) to Schenectady (United States/New York)?
How do I get from Summit (United States/Illinois) to Schenectady (United States/New York) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Summit (United States/Illinois) to Schenectady (United States/New York)?
Trips from Summit
SummitBurlingtonSummitFond du LacSummitQuincySummitKnoxvilleSummitNew CastleSummitSioux FallsSummitAndersonSummitEverettSummitTrinidadTrips to Schenectady (United States/New York)
LafayetteSchenectadyNewburghSchenectadyWalkerSchenectadyMonumentSchenectadyDixonSchenectadySyracuseSchenectadyWashingtonSchenectadyNanuetSchenectadyIthacaSchenectadyInformation about Stations
All station in Summit (United States/Illinois)
Riverside Summit StationSummit Summit StationHollywood Summit StationGarfield Summit StationBrookfield Summit StationHarlem Avenue Summit StationKedzie Summit Station All station in Schenectady (United States/New York)
Schenectady Schenectady Station