How to get from Santiago del Estero to Resistencia by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Santiago del Estero and Resistencia is 521 kilometers (323 miles).
Driving distance from Santiago del Estero to Resistencia is 613 kilometers (380 miles)
Route Map
Routes from santiago-del-estero-santiago-del-estero to resistencia-chaco
4 Ways from Santiago del Estero (Argentina/Santiago del Estero) to Resistencia (Argentina/Chaco)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Avellaneda 180 m
2. Turn right onto Avenida Belgrano Sur 577 m
3. Turn right onto Jujuy 2.58 km
4. Keep right 145 m
5. Keep left 470 m
See more
Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Santiago del Estero (Argentina/Santiago del Estero) to Resistencia (Argentina/Chaco)?
How do I get from Santiago del Estero (Argentina/Santiago del Estero) to Resistencia (Argentina/Chaco) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Santiago del Estero (Argentina/Santiago del Estero) to Resistencia (Argentina/Chaco)?
Trips from Santiago del Estero
Santiago del EsteroMerloSantiago del EsteroPuerto MadrynSantiago del EsteroSanta FeSantiago del EsteroRafaelaSantiago del EsteroComodoro RivadaviaSantiago del EsteroSantiagoSantiago del EsteroTandilSantiago del EsteroPosadasSantiago del EsteroMendozaTrips to Resistencia (Argentina/Chaco)
EldoradoResistenciaNelsonResistenciaFlorenciaResistenciaPorto AlegreResistenciaPresidente FrancoResistenciaMerloResistenciaEl ColoradoResistenciaLas ToscasResistenciaPuerto MadrynResistenciaOther interesting routes
CatamarcaChacoCorrientesJujuyLa RiojaSaltaSantiago del EsteroTucumanNeembucuInformation about Stations
All station in Santiago del Estero (Argentina/Santiago del Estero)
Santiago Del Estero Airport All station in Resistencia (Argentina/Chaco)
Resistencia Airport Resistencia