How to get from Berhampore to Bolpur by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Berhampore and Bolpur is 75 kilometers (47 miles).
Driving distance from Berhampore to Bolpur is 97 kilometers (60 miles)
Route Map
Routes from berhampore-west-bengal to bolpur-west-bengal
4 Ways from Berhampore (India/West Bengal) to Bolpur (India/West Bengal)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue 544 m
2. Turn left onto K N ROAD 199 m
3. Turn right 29 m
4. Turn right onto NH12 2.54 km
5. Turn sharp left onto SH11 27.33 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Berhampore (India/West Bengal) to Bolpur (India/West Bengal)?
How do I get from Berhampore (India/West Bengal) to Bolpur (India/West Bengal) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Berhampore (India/West Bengal) to Bolpur (India/West Bengal)?
Trips from Berhampore
BerhamporeKalyaniBerhamporeDeogharBerhamporeKolkataBerhamporeBrahmapurBerhamporeSiliguriBerhamporeKrishnanagarTrips to Bolpur (India/West Bengal)
TarapithBolpurKolkataBolpurDurgapurBolpurHowrahBolpurHazarduari PalaceBolpurBardhamanBolpurBerhamporeBolpurInformation about Stations
All station in Berhampore (India/West Bengal)
Khagraghat Road Berhampore StationCossimbazar Berhampore StationNew Balarampur Halt BerhamporeSargachhi Berhampore StationBerhampore Court Berhampore Station All station in Bolpur (India/West Bengal)
Bolpur Santiniketan Bolpur StationPrantik Bolpur Station