How to get from Sucre to Tupiza by car, truck, bike, walk

Distance between Sucre and Tupiza is 271 kilometers (168 miles).
Driving distance from Sucre to Tupiza is 349 kilometers (216 miles)

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Route Map

4 Ways from Sucre (Bolivia/Chuquisaca) to Tupiza (Bolivia/Potosi)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Calle Plaza 25 de Mayo 69 m
2. Turn left onto Calle Plaza 25 de Mayo 128 m
3. Continue onto Calle Bustillos 854 m
4. Turn left onto Calle Destacamento Chuquisaca 383 m
5. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Calle Destacamento Chuquisaca 25 m
6. Turn slight right onto Calle Destacamento Chuquisaca 1.52 km
7. Keep left onto Calle Destacamento Chuquisaca 36 m
8. Turn slight left onto RN5: Sucre-Puente Mendez, F5 1.57 km
9. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto RN5: Sucre-Puente Mendez, F5 94.45 km
10. Turn left 5.17 km
11. Keep left 10.29 km
12. Turn right 7.70 km
13. Keep right 6.28 km
14. Turn slight left 3.34 km
15. Turn right 9.82 km
16. Turn left 8.71 km
17. Turn sharp left onto RN14: Cruce Calche-Bella Vista, F14 198.31 km
18. Keep right 38 m
19. Turn slight right 301 m
20. Turn sharp left onto Avenida Serrano 61 m
21. Keep right onto Avenida Chichas 319 m
22. Turn right onto Calle Avaroa 208 m
23. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Sucre (Bolivia/Chuquisaca) to Tupiza (Bolivia/Potosi)?
How do I get from Sucre (Bolivia/Chuquisaca) to Tupiza (Bolivia/Potosi) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Sucre (Bolivia/Chuquisaca) to Tupiza (Bolivia/Potosi)?

Trips to Tupiza (Bolivia/Potosi)
