How to get from Curitiba to Lages by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Curitiba and Lages is 285 kilometers (177 miles).
Driving distance from Curitiba to Lages is 360 kilometers (223 miles)
Route Map
Routes from curitiba-parana to lages-santa-catarina
4 Ways from Curitiba (Brazil/Parana) to Lages (Brazil/Santa Catarina)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Praça Tiradentes 184 m
2. Turn left onto Travessa Nestor de Castro 203 m
3. Turn left onto Rua do Rosário 114 m
4. Keep right onto Praça Tiradentes 78 m
5. Turn right onto Rua Cândido Lopes 99 m
See more
Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Curitiba (Brazil/Parana) to Lages (Brazil/Santa Catarina)?
How do I get from Curitiba (Brazil/Parana) to Lages (Brazil/Santa Catarina) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Curitiba (Brazil/Parana) to Lages (Brazil/Santa Catarina)?
Trips from Curitiba
CuritibaSanta MariaCuritibaFerraz de VasconcelosCuritibaCipollettiCuritibaCachoeiro de ItapemirimCuritibaLimeiraCuritibaSerraCuritibaRio ClaroCuritibaDiademaCuritibaItabunaTrips to Lages (Brazil/Santa Catarina)
CanoasLagesPorto AlegreLagesPasso FundoLagesPinhalzinhoLagesUrupemaLagesVideiraLagesBlumenauLagesPonta GrossaLagesNavegantesLagesInformation about Stations
All station in Curitiba (Brazil/Parana)
Afonso Pena International AirportCuritiba Bacacheri Airport Curitiba All station in Lages (Brazil/Santa Catarina)
Correia Pinto Airport Lages